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Meridian Springs Podcast Ep #1

Welcome to the very first episode of Meridian Springs Podcast. In this podcast, Dr. Bhavana Rao, family physician practicing Direct Primary Care, shares some simple and clear tips on how to be healthy. Being healthy is as simple as following some rules of thumb shared below –

  1. Right Eating – What we eat has the biggest impact on our health but it is much ignored.  One can follow some simple rules of thumb to keep healthy.
    • Balanced diet
    • Cut sugar as much as possible
    • Eat real food, which means cut processed food, keep it as real as possible. of course lot of vegetables
  2. Movement – It is very important to understand that moment Is what is required for keeping health and people Think that it is only exercise that is important so we have people who exercise vigorously then the rest of the day they are Sid entry this is not very helpful What people have to do is to integrate moment into the everyday life this is physically can be physically doing the chores moving if you have a job very need to be seated for a long time it helps if you move from your seat walking around And basically moving a lot and doing the chores is very helpful so do not do not  Define your health by just a moment I mean just my exercise but do it by movement that is more important
  3. Sleep – It’s very important to get high quality sleep, atleast 8 hours of good sleep. Sleep helps in rejuvenation. A lot of artificial light due to watching smart phone screens and late night TV disturbs sleep cycle. Keep you bedroom as dark as possible.
  4. Right breathing – breathing is something we constantly do but the way we breath is incorrect. Shallow and mouth breathing is very common. Results in stress and lack of energy. So very simple things that can be done to fix this is to breathe through your nose and then slowly try to breathe from your belly as much as possible. As this becomes habitual, it helps preserve energy.
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