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Things to Know About a Department of Transportation (DOT) Physical

If you’re a commercial truck driver, you’re likely familiar with the Department of Transportation
(DOT) physical. This exam is required for anyone who wants to obtain a commercial driver’s
license (CDL). The DOT physical is designed to ensure that commercial drivers are physically
qualified to operate a commercial vehicle.

Here are things you need to know about the DOT physical:

What a Department of Transportation Physical Is

A DOT physical is an examination required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
(FMCSA) for drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMV). The test is conducted by a licensed
medical examiner (ME) registered with the FMCSA.

The purpose of the DOT physical is to determine if a driver is physically qualified to operate a
CMV. The examination is comprehensive and includes a review of the driver’s medical history, a
physical exam, and a vision test. If you are a CMV driver, it is crucial to be aware of the
requirements for a DOT physical.

What to Expect

When you arrive for your DOT physical, the medical examiner will review your medical history.
You will be asked about your current and past health conditions and any medications you are

The medical examiner will also conduct a physical examination. This will include checking your
blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration. The examiner will also check your vision and

You will be required to pass a vision test with at least 20/40 vision in each eye, with or without
corrective lenses. If you wear contact lenses, you must have a current prescription.

If you have any medical conditions that could impact your ability to operate a CMV, the medical
examiner may require additional testing, such as a cardiac stress test or sleep study.

Preparing for Your DOT Physical

There are a few things you can do to prepare for your DOT physical. First, being honest when
completing your medical history form is essential. The medical examiner will use this information
to determine if you are physically qualified to operate a CMV.

Second, ensure you have a current prescription for any corrective lenses you wear. If you wear
contact lenses, bring a current copy of your prescription. Third, be prepared to provide the
medical examiner with a list of your current medications. This includes over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and supplements.

Finally, it is a good idea to arrive well-rested for your DOT physical. This will help ensure that you can pass the vision and hearing tests.

The Essential Requirements

The federal government requires the DOT physical to ensure that you are physically and
mentally fit to operate a commercial truck. You will need to meet a few different requirements to
obtain a DOT physical.

First, you must have a valid and current driver’s license. Next, you should provide a medical
history form that has been completed by your physician. This form must include information
about your medical history, as well as any current medications that you are taking.

As discussed above, you will also need to complete a physical examination. If you meet all of
the requirements for a DOT physical, you will be issued a medical certificate. This certificate will
be valid for up to two years. You must renew your medical certification every two years to
maintain your commercial driver’s license.

Not Passing the DOT Physical

If you don’t pass the DOT physical, you will not be able to operate a CMV. However, you may
be able to get a waiver if you have a medical condition that can be treated. Be sure to talk to
your doctor about the requirements and what to expect before your appointment.


If you’re a commercial truck driver, you’re required to get a DOT physical. This physical is
different from your regular doctor’s visit–it’s meant to ensure that you’re physically and mentally
fit to drive a commercial vehicle.

Are you in need of a DOT physical? Choose Meridian Springs Primary Care. Our board-certified
family physician offers affordable care and telemedicine access 24/7. Contact us.

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